Zero waste Production Leader

Zero Plastic
Products Proposal

​Plastic container packaging liquid product   > >  Plastic zero soap type product
Dishwashing Bar, Shampoo Bar, Bodywash Bar, Cleansing Bar etc.

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Zero waste Products Manufacturing Solution

Eco-friendly Bar Soap OEM/ODM Partner
Plastic container packaging liquid product   > >  Plastic zero soap type product

Self-develpoed Raw Materials

Solid soap products, which were made by coagulating liquid raw materials (CP method), were changed to a solid soap manufacturing method using self-developed raw materials and manufacturing method
Quotation Simulation System

We provide a system that automatically calculates quotations so that you can create the product you want by automatically changing fragrances, pigments, and ingredients.
Mass Production

Handmade Soap Manufacturing (CP)
 > > Mass Production Manufacturing
(Supply price 1/2, Manufacturing period 1/7)

Age of the Plastic, the main cause of environmental pollution
Dangers of plastic
Discovery of microplastics

According to many research results published in 2022, invisible microplastics were found in human blood, breast milk, and in the air, and plastic was also found in the feces of wild animals that are not touched by humans.(Leslie et al., 2022; Ragusa et al., 2021; Fan et al., 2022; Greenpeace East Asia, 2022)
Greenhouse gas emissions

Plastics, 99% of which are produced from fossil fuels, emit greenhouse gases throughout their life cycle. Greenhouse gases are emitted not only in the process of manufacturing and processing plastic using petroleum raw materials, but also in the distribution stage of selling it and the process of processing plastic waste.(Greenpeace East Asia, 2019)

Limitations of plastic recycling

Plastics discharged as waste domestically are disposed of through recycling, incineration, and landfill. If we calculate the material recycling rate of plastics according to the EU standards, our country's recycling rate drops significantly

Enable people to consume household items in an eco-friendly manner
Plastic container packaging liquid product   > >  Plastic zero soap type product

We aim to contribute to environmental protection by reducing soap bar product prices through improved productivity so that consumers can more easily replace existing plastic container-based liquid products.

We produce Plastic zero soap type products.
“Dishwashing Bar, Shampoo Bar, Bodywash Bar, Cleansing Bar etc.”


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Fraser Business Park, Jalan Metro Pudu2, 55200, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
TEL : +603-458-3465  |  FAX : +603-457-3435 | E-MAIL : zzangman@gmail.com